Legal Notice

Alright readers, here's the deal.

This is a legal notice for readers of this website

This website consists of personal opinions and lived personal experiences. As such, I (the author of am not liable or responsible for any loss or gains of your money or investments. You and only you are responsible for what you decide to do with your money and any outcomes that follow.

Consult Your Financial Advisor Before Making Any Money Decisions

There are financial advisors that have what's called fiduciary responsibilities who must by law manage a person’s (the client) money and property for that person's benefit, not theirs (the advisor).

Before making any financial decisions, it's important to do your own research and consult a financial advisor who has a fiduciary responsibility to you.

Friendly Note

On a personal note, on top of doing your own research and consulting with a financial advisor with fiduciary responsibilities, I'd suggest checking in with how you're feeling before making any money decisions.

Ask yourself questions like:

  • Am I in a calm state of mind?
  • Am I rushing into this?
  • Do I feel comfortable and confident with the research I've done?

For me, before I make any financial decisions, I make sure I'm in a calm state of mind, not feeling rushed, and comfortable and confident with the research I've done.

Cheers and I hope this legal notice wasn't too jargon-y.